Belmont Medical Centre, Roseville NSW

Belmont Medical Practice


To make an appointment please call 0401 792 644 or using our online booking form:

Appointments are highly recommended and preferred, whilst walk-in patients may need to wait.

Our doctors do NOT discuss results over the phone and a follow-up appointment will have to be made in order to discuss them with the doctor. This is to ensure confidentiality and maintain the best quality of care. We notify patients as soon as we receive your results. If the results are urgent, our receptionist will specify.

New Services

A family practice with a difference!

Our aim is to help you take control and improve your physical and mental health.

We focus on a holistic & proactive healthcare approach to assist you in achieving physical and mental wellness.

We are committed to providing you with an exceptional health experience from our helpful, approachable staff through to our highly qualified and experienced doctors.

We take the time to really listen to you and to build a trusting relationship, so we can support you and your family’s healthcare now and into the future.

We do this because we have a passion for great healthcare and a genuine desire to make a positive contribution to people’s lives through knowledge and care.

Our Approach

Our Practice is committed to providing you with an exceptional health service to support you in living a physically and mentally healthy life. This is achieved through our focus on holistic & proactive healthcare and through longer appointments with your doctor, who will provide continuity to care for you and your family, build a long-term trusting relationship and share responsibility for your healthcare.

Ensure Your Safety, Privacy & Comfort

We are an Accredited practice which means we are committed to ensuring our processes, culture, and actions meet the nationally recognised RACGP Standards for General Practice. This translates to the provision of high quality and safe healthcare for you. We also offer a quiet and calm environment in our practice to help you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Unique Appointment System

Using our unique flexible appointment booking system, our friendly and professional staff will schedule your appointment to suit your needs.

Our standard appointments are longer to focus on your healthcare concerns and illness prevention.

We ensure your consultation has adequate time for your needs. Your visit will not be rushed and you will not be left in a busy waiting room at risk of picking up infections. Our average wait time to see your doctor is less than 3 minutes!

Your Doctor

Your doctor is a highly qualified and experienced practitioner, who will take the time to listen to you, share responsibility for your healthcare and help improve your physical & mental wellness through proactive preventative care. Your GP is committed to building a respectful, trusting long-term relationship with you and your family.

Our Services

Select to read more.

Our doctors are experienced in managing the complex needs of older Australians. Comprehensive health checks help identify any health issues and optimise quality of life.

Areas assessed may include but are not limited to lifestyle, mobility, medication, nutrition, exercise, safety in the home, care arrangements and support networks.

Children’s health checks include monitoring development and normal milestones, immunisation and health promotion. A through health check can assess readiness for school and provide an opportunity for early screening for visual acuity, hearing, coordination as well as motor skills and other areas of development.

The Childhood Immunisations are an important part of keeping kids well and protecting against a range of preventable diseases and infections. All immunisations are administered by experienced GPs, who can also provide catchup schedules for children newly arriving in Australia or have missed immunisations.

Women’s healthcare may include but is not limited to regular PAP screening, breast checks, referral for mammography, family planning options, contraception, fertility counselling and management of menopause. Lifestyle plays an important role in all women’s lives, with healthcare focused on prevention to maintain optimum health.

Women are more susceptible to certain illnesses or conditions at different stages of their life and require checks accordingly. For example, you’re more likely to experience depression in your 20s, weight problems in your 30s and 40s, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease in your 50s.

Our female doctors are highly trained and experienced in providing comprehensive and empathic management of all your health concerns.

Our doctors offer comprehensive fertility and Antenatal health services utilising the latest technology to provide quality care. Our GPs are accredited with local hospitals in delivering Shared Antenatal care.

Our doctors understand that men have unique needs in terms of health and the way health services are accessed. Conditions that are more likely to affect men include Sleep apnoea, Heart disease, high blood pressure, Haemochromatosis and Kidney stones.

The most common cancers in men in Australia are Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Bowel Cancer, Lung Cancer. Thus our men’s health consultations focus on screening for and managing these conditions.

Specialised aspects of a men’s health consultation may also include Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Erectile dysfunction, STD screening and management of conditions that affect the male genital organ (example testicular swellings, infection).

While our doctors are experienced in all aspects of men’s health, they also understand that lifestyle plays an important role in all men’s lives and thus provide healthcare focused on prevention to maintain optimum health.

How often and when you need to have a check-up depends on your lifestyle and sexual activity. If you haven’t had a sexual health check in the last year or have any concerns for your sexual health, book an appointment with our GP for a private and confidential consultation.

Our health philosophy centres on preventative medicine. Our GPs conduct a thorough history and examination and order relevant tests and prepare a prevention plan tailored to your individual needs.

Annual check-ups after 40 years of age are recommended to assist in the early detection and prevention of common medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart and vascular disease, diabetes and cancers.

Other check-ups may include breast checks and pap smears for women and rectal prostate examination for men. The skin is also checked in addition to internal organ systems.

A holistic approach to healthcare is important including physical, social, spiritual and mental health. Mental healthcare may include but is not limited to medication management, regular counselling, referral to allied health providers as well as preparation and ongoing management of GP mental healthcare plans.

Comprehensive and individualised care plan can ensure that all aspects of chronic disease are managed including goals to achieve optimal health. Chronic conditions including diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, chronic pain are amongst the most common conditions that can be supported with the help of a care plan.

Some care plan patients are eligible for referral to allied health providers at a subsidised cost.

Routine childhood and Adult immunisations are held and available within the practice for patients daily. An annual Influenza (Flu) vaccination is strongly recommended (and is free) for all people over 65 years of age or anyone with a chronic illness such as heart or lung disease including asthma or bronchitis or diabetes. The 5-yearly Pneumococcal vaccination is also recommended (and is free) for all people over 65 years.

Travel Medicine

It is important to be aware of the latest WHO (World Health Organisation) recommendations for travel to any part of the world. Travel medicine has a focus on health promotion and may include travel vaccinations, up to date travel information, malaria prevention, education and awareness of the local culture or region to help prevent accidents and injuries.

What can you expect at your travel appointment?

  • Country specific health advice
  • Facilities for Yellow fever, Japanses B & Rabies Vaccines
  • General Preventative advice
  • Travel Health
  • Prescription for a travel pack script
  • Discussion of other health issues that may impact travel

Our doctors can provide chronic wound care, suture removal and dressings.

Our practice provides a comprehensive range of occupational health services including workplace injuries, Work Cover claims, and much more. We have some key corporate partnerships and are available to work with all businesses of any scale in assisting with their corporate health and planning.

Our doctors are also experienced in: Workplace Injury Assessments, ADT vaccinations, Management of long-term work-related injuries, Working with the employee and the employer on current and future health capacity and Education and counselling.

Roseville Skin Cancer Clinic - Rose Centre Roseville NSW

Roseville Skin Cancer Clinic

Australians have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Early detection through regular skin checks is still the best cure for skin cancer.

Our aim is to provide best-practice care in skin cancer management.

Our skin service is unique because we offer you rapid access to skilled doctors and specialist equipment for skin surveillance and an on-site operating theatre for timely and cost-effective surgery.

Most importantly all cancer surgery is performed by a Specialist Surgeon to ensure the best cosmetic results, complete cancer removal and timely return to your normal activities.

Please contact us on 0401 792 644, Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm.

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer develops when a skin cell goes through a series of changes that make it a cancer cell. Exposure to UV radiation from the sun and other sources (such as solariums) is the main factor that causes skin cells to become cancer cells.

Most skin cancers can be successfully treated, if detected early.

Skin cancers don’t all look the same, but there are some signs to look out for:

  • a spot that is different from other spots on the skin
  • a spot, mole or freckle that has changed in size, shape or colour
  • a sore that doesn’t heal
  • a spot that bleeds or itches

Why have a skin check?

Skin cancer is usually diagnosed by a Specialist who examines the skin, often using a hand held microscope (dermatoscope). Skin cancer specialists are more likely to detect melanomas and other skin cancers at a thinner stage than either the patient or the patient’s partner.

Over 60% of melanomas detected are not presented as a concern by the patient. Early detection has been proven to save lives and minimise surgery.

Why choose us?

Our skin service is unique because we offer you rapid access to skilled doctors and specialist equipment for skin surveillance and an on-site operating theatre for timely and cost-effective surgery.

Most importantly all cancer surgery is performed by a Specialist Surgeon to ensure the best cosmetic results, complete cancer removal and timely return to your normal activities.

What to expect at your skin check appointment?

A full skin check is conducted with a head to toe examination of the skin using dermatoscopy. The dermatoscope uses a polarized light to view specific moles at magnification.

Each skin lesion is viewed through the dermatoscope in turn and compared with other skin lesions, to make a diagnosis. Whilst most lesions are benign -sunspots, seborrhoeic keratosis and moles; our aim is to establish whether a skin lesion should be removed to rule out a melanoma, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or other type of skin cancer.

When a definite diagnosis of a benign lesion cannot be made confidently, the lesion is then re-examined a second time.

There are three outcomes from the re-examination of lesions:

  • No monitoring required.
  • Monitor the lesion for any changes at a follow up appointment (between 1 and 3 months)
  • Biopsy is required. A biopsy involves removing a sample of cells (under local anaesthetic) and examining these cells under a microscope. This is booked at a later time and the lesion sent for histology.

Learn more about skin cancer

Contact Us

Find Us

1/132 Pacific Highway,
Roseville NSW 2069
(inside The Rose Centre)
Phone: 0401 792 644


Interactive Map:

Parking Options (shown on map):
Shirley Road
Pacific Highway, Roseville (check signposts)
Roseville Railway & Hill Street Parking
Larkin Lane Council Parking
Bancroft Avenue Council Parking